What is Sales Order Fetching?

Sales Order fetching is a streamlined system process tailored for businesses with both order-taking and cashiering functions. It automates the retrieval of all products punched into the Point of Sale (POS) cashiering interface from the order-taking interfaces. This efficient procedure is indispensable for businesses requiring seamless order management and transaction processing.

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Step 1 : Log in to your POS Cashiering Interface Input your User name and Password Then Click Log in

Step 2: Select SO or CRTL + F (Short key in the keyboard)

Step 3: Input the Sales Order Number (Please refer on the printed Order Slip From the Order Taking Side) then Tap OK

Step 4: All list of punched item with its quantity can be viewed. For payment process select Tender (CRTL + ENTER) Short key in the Keyboard, Input the amount of money and Tender until Payment Process