Retail items are products sold directly to consumers, including clothing, electronics, household goods, and personal care items, typically found in stores and online shops.

Retail Items with a barcode require manually inputting the barcode. However, if there is no barcode, one must be generated in the back office for precise inventory control, accurate pricing, detailed sales data, theft prevention, legal compliance, and access to complete product details.

  • Step 1: Log in to your back office
  • Select Items/ Inventory
  • Select Items

Step 2: Input the necessary details

  • Barcode: Item with a barcode requires manually inputting the barcode. However, if there is no barcode, you must click the Generate Barcode
  • Name & Description: the name and description, use the same text (e.g., Republic "Portland PLUS" Blended Cement Type IT (MH) Ternary Blended Cement (Volcanic Tuff + Fly Ash) Net wt. 40 kg).
  • Category: Retail Business/ Cement / Lights / Others
  • Item type: Purchased
  • Units of measure: Piece.
  • Click Insert New Item.