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Sales Selected Date Filter:
This feature allows users to filter sales data based on a specific date range. It enables users to view sales information for a particular period, such as a week, month, or custom date range.

This Month Sales:
This section displays the total sales generated within the current month. It provides an overview of the revenue earned during the present month.

This Month's Sales per Category:
This part breaks down the sales data into different categories, showing the revenue generated by each category within the current month. It helps identify which product categories are driving sales.

This Month Purchases:
Similar to "This Month Sales," this section shows the total amount spent on purchases within the current month. It allows users to track expenses related to inventory or supplies.

Month Profit:
This component calculates the overall profit for the current month by subtracting total purchases from total sales. It provides insights into the financial performance of the business for the month.

Top 5 Items:
This part identifies the top five best-selling items based on sales volume or revenue generated. It helps users understand which products are popular and contributing significantly to overall sales.