Mobile Attendance Log In Application (MALA) is a mobile attendance log-in application designed to simplify and streamline the process of tracking employee attendance. The purpose of the app is to provide a quick, reliable, and user-friendly platform for employees to log in and out of work, ensuring accurate attendance records. This helps businesses manage time tracking efficiently, reduce errors in attendance data, and improve overall workforce management.

STEP 1: Click this link:
STEP 2: Download the file.
STEP 3: Tap the Download anyway, then tap the Download.
STEP 4: Downloading file: Tap the Details
STEP 5: File downloaded: Tap Open
STEP 6: Tap Install
STEP 7: Tap Open
STEP 8: Tap OK
STEP 9: Machine serial: Tap OK
STEP 10: Licensing: Tap OK
STEP 11: Send a screenshot of the machine serial to the IT assigned. Tap Process
STEP 12: Once the machine serial is sent to the assigned IT personnel, you can proceed. Login using the cloudlink provided.
Account name: tindahanXXXX
Login: admin
Password: 837922