Editing a purchase order involves modifying the details of an existing order placed with a supplier. This process can include updating item quantities, changing prices, revising delivery dates, or adjusting supplier information. To edit a purchase order, access your procurement or inventory management system, locate the specific purchase order, and make the necessary changes. After editing, save or confirm the updates to ensure the revised information is accurately reflected in the system. This helps maintain precise records and ensures that the purchase order meets current requirements.

  • Step 1: Log in to your back office
  • Click Purchases
  • Then click Purchase Orders Inquiry
  • Step 2: Click the highlighted number for Preview
  • Click the pencil Icon for editing
  • Step 3: You may modify the necessary details
  • Click Pencil icon per Line items to edit item quantity and item price
  • Click (x) icon for deleting line items
  • Step 4: Click update order to update your Purchase order