Bulk Upload For Start Up Bitpos Users

What is Bulk Upload For start Up BitPOS users?

The "Bulk Upload Editing" feature is a convenient tool for retail stores, allowing them to upload and edit multiple item SKUs at once using an Excel file. The system provides a specific format for the Excel file, ensuring compatibility and accuracy during the upload process. This feature streamlines inventory management, making it easier to handle large volumes of data efficiently.

Note: You may Right click the Image and Select Open Image in New Tab

Step 1: Log In into your Back Office Interface

Step 2: Go to Items / Inventory

Step 3: You need to create all your category list first, since one of the Requirements of Bulk Editing is your Category ID
What is Category? - Category is a group specification of your products
Example: Can Goods, Noodles, Medicine, ...Etc.
Click Item Categories

Step 4: Fill in the necessary details
Category Name : Name of your category (Ex. Can Goods)
Item Tax Type: This will differ in your set up if Vatable (Regular) Non-Vatable (NonVat)
Item Type : Purchased (If bought from a supplier), Service (If its not a product we offer but services) and Manufactured (if you are the one who manufacture your items from scratch)
Unit Of Measure : Amount (This can be set based on Item)
Type: Category
POS Quick Picks: Yes
Add New
Complete all your category inputs, and repeat the process

Step 5: Once you are done with your category inputs, Go to Items

Step 6: Once you are in the Item Module , create a sample Item that will be your basis or guide for the bulk editing format
Item Code: If the Item have a barcode in the packaging please copy the barcode. If the item do not have a barcode in the packaging, Generate Barcode
Item Name: For Item name encoding you must input a Meta Description Process. (Ex. 555 Sardines 155g Red)
Description: Please copy paste your Item Name (Note: Your Description is the one that will be printed out in your receipt)
Category: Select the group where your item belong
Unit of Measure: Select the UOM of your Item (Ex. pc / Pack / each / set ... etc.)
Editable Description : Must be check
Insert New Item
Others that was not mentioned, must be retain as it is.

Step 7: Next is to put a price on your item
Go to Sales Pricing
Search the name of the Item
Sales Type: Retail
Add new

Step 7: Now that you have created a sample item with price, you may download excel items for bulk editing format

Step 8: please follow the highlighted table
Highlighted tables in our excel must be filled up with necessary details
Tables with no Highlight please copy

Step 9: Save your excel file (Bulk_date_POS)
Open your browser and type the link : http://localhost/csv_editor/

Step 10: Under your CSV Editor, click Choose File , choose your (Bulk_Date_POS) file then Click Upload.
Once Uploaded CSV Editor will confirm, then click Save Changes, automatically it gets downloaded as File Name: edited.csv

Step 11: Go back to Items / Inventory
Under Download Excel Items for Bulk Editing , click Choose File

Step 12: Select edited.csv file then click Open
Click Update Items

Step 13: The system will confirm if the csv has been updated