The steps for access BitPOS Tindahan App and installing the Bitpos Tindahan App will be provided here, please follow accordingly to ensure a proper.

STEP 1: Scan the QR code for the Tindahan App.
STEP 2: If the Tindahan is closed, tap "OK".
STEP 3: Tap "Install" for the Tindahan App (but it depends on the customer whether they want to install the app or not).
STEP 4: After installing the Tindahan App, open the app and sign up to create a customer account.
• Tap "Sign in with Google" for easy transactions.
• OPTION: You can create a manual account for creating a customer.
• Tap "Sign Up".
STEP 5: You can now order your favorite food or item. And don't forget to subscribe this icon green bell.